Sunday, 13 November 2011


Fashion tends to focus on the fairer of the sexes. The women and the girls 
because the industry in set in stone and has been in place since the dawn of time.
Women have always had that winning combination of style, elegance and throw 
in that special ingredient, their beauty it's no wonder there's a leaning towards women
in the world of fashion. 
But for some I hear you say that's not right or that's not fair.

Those that know me know I will always sing the some of praise for the greatest
 most special in all the known kingdoms, "Women". But today the guys get a mention.
They may not be as beautiful as women or girls, unless those of you girls into Anime 
and Manga and in particular the Shojo variety where the men are depicted 
so stylistically beautiful, and no one can deny how beautiful guys do look in 
shojo creations. 

Today it's the guys chance to shine on your screen here at JSTREETSTYLE. 
There are some real characters out there and I was fortunate to bump into a few. 
Some of those I'll share with you now.


"Prime Suspects"

In their bright primary colours these three teenager guys hit the streets 
of Harajuku in search of things to buy. As some of you already know, 
dressing alike is very popular in Japan. Girls naturally do it in their 
teen years but also young couples too and newly weds but occasionally
 the keitai will be used to contact you mate and confirm "that sounds like 
a cool idea, I'll wear the same as you" and here I believe it works well.
What do you think? 

"Dude! You just got Punked"

This young guy is clearly dressed in punk style. Smartly done too.
As mentioned men in Japan have a certain sense of style about them.
It may not be on the same level as women but it's pretty good we think.
Her wears a smart hat by B.C.B and a cool leather tool belt. 

Hands up how many of you girls out there just leaned a bit 
closer to your screen? He is indeed a handsome devil.
A dapper gent dressed in an ever so smart manner.

More beef cake with your tea Miss?

"Boys will be boys"

"Up in the heavens"

I kept spotting this guy gliding off to somewhere and I was lucky 
once off to catch him ans ask him for a picture. He was so tall but his style 
WOW, let's just say this was the least stylish I saw him and yet he 
still dresses so smart. He wears trousers by Gareth Pugh. 
His silver jacket is from Japanese brand Banal Chic Bazaar
He works in Harajuku close to the h.Nauto shop.
If any of you out there know who he is and where he works please 
do get in touch with me. I'd love to learn more and have a chance 
to share more of his style with everyone. 

"A monochrome delight in the Harajuku twilight"

More from the lads at a later date. Hope you all enjoyed this post.

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