One of my many upcoming projects

Some of you may have been wondering where on Earth have I been.
In answer to your question, I've been in sunny Tokyo relaxing.
Well trying to. As you all know, mine is a busy life with many things
happening and going on at any one time.
One of the projects I've been working on for a while now I can now share
with you all. A shiny new book on street fashion in Japan.
Written by myself and sharing with you all some of my images.
To be published by the nice people at A&C Black in January 2012.
Aside from working on this project, I've doing several others.
More about those later.
Japan was lovely. My dear friend Azusa and her husband were most kind
in their hospitality. Azusa use to model for me many moons ago when
she lived in London. As many of you know, Japan is dear to my heart.
I always spend part of my life there for a multitude of reasons all good.
The weather was good. If one could call Tokyo a place to relax, somehow
I actually managed to do so, which was the prime objective of my visit.
Especially after a very busy fashion week season that seamed to go on
for ages with its ever increasing reach. Used to be there was just one
single fashion week on at any one time. Now and for the last few years
there are several on per week and my poor humble eyes can only handle
so much before not only my eyesight goes on vacation but possibly my
mind too and I really don't want that to happen. I am only human.
I stayed in the highly talked about area of Kichijoji near to the park
and a short walk from the Studio Ghibli museum.
I took many more new images, many of which you'll be seeing very soon.
Sorry to keep some of you waiting but as you all know there are many
projects I am working on that need my attention and help for others.
I met some amazing people and made new friends.
I have more news also in that my website will finally and long overdue
get the make over it has been crying out for. It wont be a radical change
but you will be able to see new imagery in all sections and there will
be a few new ones too. Though JSTREETSTYLE is primarily all street
style fashion you all know I shoot many other things relating to fashion
and Japanese culture and I thought it would be good to finally incorporate
some of them. So there will be some new pages there.
Fresh and new image for Jstreetstyle the blog will be here this weekend.
You'll be able to tweet and facebook, get in touch and much more I hope.
So see you all soon
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