Wednesday, 24 December 2014


 Never fear. Menswear is here, there and everywhere. Men and women all love it.
From traditional and formal wear to popular street wear, it's great to see the 
uprise in clothing targeted towards men where designers have actually taken 
the time and effort normally afforded only to womenswear. Over the coming 
month for the start of 2015, we'll be bringing you some of those choice looks.
We'll start off with the upcomming London Collection's Men an the trends we 
spot on the street.

Here are a few images of young men an women in streetwear dsigned for men.

This is Daisuke spotted in Harajuku. He wears an entire look by KTZ.
The seriously cool UK based brand that has a great love and understanding of 
street style and street wear. Daisuke is an ardent fan with some 20 or so pieces 
within his collection. We spotted him wearing Kokon To Zai on every occation 
we saw him. Check out his hand harness, cuff necklace.

 A stylish man seen on day 3 of London Collections Men in June 2014.

Two girls from Father Duck spotted during day one of London Collections Men
 in 2014 both wearing FD sweatshirts



 Japanese Street Style published by A&C Black 

Also available at

A sample of my book can be viewed here

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