Tuesday, 12 August 2014


 As promised, more of the lovely  Hiromi Tsuruta from the Harajuku 
super fashion Mecca Nadia Flores en el Corazon. Nadia ia a very cool shop
with lots of well known brands and has fun staff. They're all so cute and kawaii.
The customers though is what it's all about and many of the girls and boys 
we met and photographed especially to share with you are had amazing style.
Many of the components of their style came from Nadia. There was a special 
kind of indentity with that style from what we saw. Hiromi here was on this occation 
wearing blue and wearing sunflowers. This seasons colours but lots of cool,
funky looking teenagers were wearing pastel shades but the colours purple
mauve and the classic fave of pink appeared to be the signature for the clients, 
customers and fans of Nadia during July 2014.


Some of the  trends spotted other than the colours we mentioned were in 
footwear. Very impotant is footwear, We all know the power pretty foot candy 
has over us all. Platform sandals woth with brightly coloured aften odd coloured
socks. Well why be normal when you can bend and break the rules. 
Much more fun that way and every teenager know that or at least should do.
Still on shoes were fluffy slippers that seemed to be most popular from 
the shop Bubbles. Here's an example below. Many teenagers around Harajuku 
were spotted wearing these or something very similar.

Naturally, another of the many trends we all know and love on the streets 
of not just Harajuku but all over Japan is nail art. Here's some fun glitter work.

 And some more colourful and decorative free style work

Another of the big and very noticable trends among many of the teenagers 
was to wear ripped jeans. We're not talking celebrity style here where they 
just dabble. We're taking major hack and slash victims with these jeans.
Girls love them that way. It's all about rebellion and non confoming isn't it.

Another cutie shop staff from Nadia in her ripped jeans.

This is Toda spotted in Harajuku dressed in Kodona style, a boyish prince like 
dandy Lolita style. Her entire look is by the brand Putomayo.

Above is a rare item. Here at JSTREETSTYLE we don't normally shoot candid 
images. Also thi is an image of two teenage girls dressed in the contravercial 
style known as Ganguro or Yamamba hugely popular in the mid 90s.
These girls were spotted on a shopping spree at We Go and their look is not 
as extreme as the classic look with the bleached hair, panda or ghost like 
make up people often reffer to with the look. At the end of the day, they're 
just teenagers and they are ment to be or to dress in a rebelious manner.

Above is the super cool owner of the hugely popular brand and shop
Avantgarde that specialises in pattern leggings and tights. Possibly the
best you can get if you're a teenager living in Japan. We've shot this man
a few times in his much loved vintage denim overalls by Lee, but we only
just found out about his true right of stardom. This is Kazuhiro Watanabe.
The Guinness World Record owner of the tallest mowhawk hairstyle.
As you can see in this image, he has it tied up and pinned these days
but it's an incredibly long and impressive main he has. One to be proud of.

Lots more street style action to follow.  JSTREETSTYLE

Don't forget to leave us your comments

 Japanese Street Style published by A&C Black 

Also available at Amazon.co.jp

 A sample of my book can be viewed here

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